Three Creative Ways to Find New Clients on Social Media

business strategy May 07, 2019

Some tips today for finding clients:

1. Think outside the box. It’s easy for us to post on social media, sit back and wait but how about actually trying some new places to post your content. Think about submitting articles to third party websites, or asking a dear friend to reshare your post about your business, service or offer. How about, spend fifteen minutes engaging with people on social media who aren’t In your network, but are in someone else’s who may have followers that you truly love and who would be ideal clients.

2. Teach something on your social media platform instead of showing up and asking for a sale. Educate your audience with free tips around the problem you solve. Skincare expert who sells a skin care product? Try sharing three tips to a healthy skin care routine and let one of them be using your product. Teach teach teach.
3. Create a time-sensitive offer. If you notice, a lot of successful marketers create time-sensitive offers that give people a sense of urgency to buy. Maybe create a free e guide or add a free video training for the first X amount of people who buy your product and see how that goes.

Want easier simple tips? You can get a free e guide step by step checklist for finding clients you love in our bio today.

Hope these tips help you, babe!

What are your favorite ways to get clients in your business?