Overcoming Fear of Failure

Uncategorized Apr 09, 2020


Hi Lauren of Love Family!

I'm here sharing an epic update with you about my health and a powerful lesson about overcoming fear today.

The next 14 days I am lying in bed for an intensive waterfast to heal my body from some chronic health issues I've been having... More on this post is here if you want to check it out.

My family thinks I'm crazy and My dad "Doesn't get it." But to be fair... he felt the same exact thing when I told him I was quitting my job to start a business.


But I get it.. dad just wants me to be safe. Love you pops!

Fasting can also be a great spiritual tool. It can awaken you to spiritual downloads and new ideas (an added bonus to the process of this healing.) And 24 hours in, there are a million lessons coming through me right now ...

But let's just start with this one lesson here: Taking BIG leaps of faith and overcoming fear.

Sometimes you want a result... and sometimes you have to do scary shit to get that result.


....and sometimes that scary leap of action makes NO sense to people around you.

Much like a business goal to "be successful," I have the goal of being healthy.. and sometimes I get frustrated that I feel so far away from my goal.

I look at where I currently am and where I want to be and then feel immense sadness for how far my goal feels.

But in front of me right now is an action I can take to get closer to my goal.. and that action may feel scary, uncomfortable or totally unknown, but it is the step my SOUL is calling me to take.

Do you have a step your soul is calling you to take in your journey right now?

Are you holding off because of fear?

The fear it won't work?

The fear you will fail? 

The fear you will put all this effort and energy into trying something that may or may not work? 


In order for something to work, you must believe fully and whole heartedly that it will.

And not everyone will get it... many people will think you are crazy or that your practices or efforts aren't worth it.

But you MUST be focused your outcome and believe in your results.

Think about it... If you wanted to be an author but you believed your book wouldn't be good enough to publish, would you write it?

If you had a desire to make $100,000 on your launch but you believed that no one would buy it, would you work hard to sell your offer? (What's the point)

If you had a dream of speaking on stage but you believed that maybe you weren't good enough, would you actually spend time pitching yourself to event organizers?

NO. You wouldn't.

Your BELIEF is what dictates the RESULTS you get because your BELIEF dictates how you show up in your actions.


So let's fix it

Overcome Fear of Failure Masterclass.

 I'd like to invite you to a LIVE masterclass Called Overcoming Fear of Failure. I'll help you recondition your MINDSET of fear. I will show you how to OVERCOME your blocks, your limitation and those old stories that keep you stuck, in self sabotage and playing small so that you can always be crystal clear focused and driven in your pursuit of your desires.

No more frozen blocks.. tons of success.

>> Checkout the Overcome Fear of Failure Masterclass Here <<

I'll help you become the woman who is so clear and focused in her commitment to success that nothing can stop her.

What you'll learn inside the Overcome Fear of Failure Masterclass:

  • What fear REALLY is and why it is there to help you.
  • How to master your mindset when you self sabotage
  • What to do when limiting beliefs pop up and how to have them pop up less.
  • How to use fear to FUEL Your success and no longer be someone who plays small.
  • Remove imposter syndrome and all things related to not being enough for the success you desire.
  • Heal your worthiness. 

Click here for the Overcome Fear of Failure Masterclass

Regardless of whether you join us for this masterclass, here is what I want you to know: YOU are WORTHY of being the type of woman who DECIDES to do something and then goes and gets it.

You CAN be someone who has it that easy: She wants, she sets the intention and then she get it.

And I am so excited to share those secrets with you inside this masterclass.

Listen to your gut and keep fighting ANYWAY babe. You are on a MISSION to get a result... and your job is to remove any naysaying energy and focus on your outcome: Where you are GOING. Your destiny is waiting for you.


Hope to see you inside!


Lauren Eliz Love

P.S. You also get a BONUS LIVE Q&A with this masterclass!