Three Books to Deepen Your Spirituality

spirituality tips Jun 03, 2019

Spiritual books are kind of funny to me.

I have a love-hate relationship with the spiritual section of the bookstore.

If you're anything like me, one of a few things happens when you get a Spiritual book.

You see the cover a book, chant "yes yes yes this is going to change my life," but then you get home and.....

  • The book is so common-sense-basic-AF that you actually feel less awakened reading it because you're so busy saying "NO SHIT DUH" in your mind with every sentence.
  • The book is so dense and intensive that you read three pages only to find yourself thinking, "WTF did I just read?" Then you go back, read it again, and it still makes no sense.
  • And on the rare occasion, a spiritual book totally changes your life, and it becomes your Bible to transition into a new life of existence.


Let me say this though.... there is room for all of these types of spiritual books in my life.

Yes, it is frustrating to purchase a book full of information that you already know, but in my opinion, we can all use a little refresher. Sometimes, studying spirituality is not about finding new information, but about hearing the same thing in the right way to create a breakthrough within you. Don't be afraid to continue reading books that aren't teaching you anything new... they might provide an awakening that changes everything.

And those books that you are resisting SOOO hard that you want to throw them across the room because you can't take in any of the information at all? Don't worry... Sometimes a book is right to purchase but you need to give yourself time to grow into being the version of yourself that is actually ready to hear the teachings.

The Power of Now, The Untethered Soul --> these were books that I hated when I bought them, but years later, I picked them back up and they had an insanely beautiful impact on me.

So, today's blog post is dedicated to the simple question:

What are your top three books that Deepened your spiritual connection?


Light is the New Black, by Rebecca Campbell.

I read this book during a time in my life where spirituality was just becoming an interest of mine. Prior to reading this book, God was a white man sitting on a cloud with a big old beard and a pair of sandals. This book allowed me to see beyond that and really discover what Spirituality was within myself. This book talks a lot about purpose, living in your truth and finding your power as a woman. I highly recommend this book for any woman looking to find her true power. (Bonus: If you really want to awaken, read this book and then read her second book Rise Sister Rise afterward. Thank me later.)


The Dark Side of the Light Chasers by Debbie Ford. This one is a favorite of mine because it deals with the Shadow. Our member's are going to get a full taste of Shadow-works in our training for July, we are so excited to share them with you.  If you don't know what the Shadow is - go get this book and get ready for a HUGE transformation in your life. Shadow work is the personal development healing around the parts of yourself that you have resisted or disliked. If you hate women who dress too sexy - that's your shadow. If you get triggered by the asshole at the grocery store - that's your shadow. If you feel shame or guilt around your past - say hello to your shadow. This work will change your life. again - thank me later.


The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success by Deepak Chopra. My relationship with money will never be the same after reading this book. In fact, this book became one of my pillars of study for when I designed our signature online course - Six Figure Biz Babe. This book breaks down the seven fundamental elements of success and how to spiritually align with the manifestation of wealth and abundance. This is a short and incredibly powerful read. I recommend highlighting, getting out your journal, and even listening to this on Audio a few times. It no joke will change you and shake you. I always tell women who are success blocked and who struggle with money to get this book.


Finally, if you want a workbook that will change your relationship with yourself forever, come get the Unleash Your Badass Business Workbook.