I'm going to be real with you...
If having sales conversations feels uncomfortable..
If posting about your offers makes your stomach turn...
If the idea of saying the cost of what you offer makes you want to run for the hills....
There is SOMETHING that needs to be healed. And it's your relationship with SALES.

See, most of us have learned to sell using a rugged and forceful masculine approach.

We're taught to hustle, work tirelessly, and aggressively pursue success... To bombard inboxes with countless messages, engage in cold connections, and network network network!
It all feels so exhausting.
Then we give it a try, only to feel incredibly unaligned and struggle to get clients.
"What am I doing wrong?" We ask.
"What's wrong with me that I can't make this work?" We say to ourselves.
"Maybe it's my offer?" We wonder.
Hear me sister: There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with you OR your offer.
And the resistance you're facing has nothing to do with your worthiness or your magic.
The resistance you're feeling is a sign that this old way of hustling to achieve is not for you. Your soul is craving a NEW, easier, and more effortless way to receive financial freedom and land sales.

So let's dream for a minute. 


Imagine you had a Soul- aligned way of selling that actually felt good and exciting.
Imagine, rather than pushing and forcing your way to find clients, you could simply show up and have them find you.
Imagine you had a way of selling that didn't require you to push and force all the time, but allowed you to flow, create, and BE.

Welcome to Spiritual Sales Strategy.

The Spiritual Sales Strategy Training is an hour+ long lesson from the Aligned Business Creator program. This training is a do-it-yourself, self-paced study that walks you through rebuilding your relationship with sales. Inside this training, I teach my tried and true sales strategies for not just healing your relationship with sales, but the EXACT strategies I use in my business. 
Whether you are in a product-based business, a coaching business, or an artist marketing her services - this program is going to teach you the fundamental principles of my sales strategies.
Sign Me Up!

Inside Spiritual Sales Strategy


This program is a step-by-step training walking you through all the strategic elements of sales. You'll learn how I use the art of magnetism to attract clients and sales opportunities. You'll learn specifically step by step how I have sales conversations with potential clients from start to finish. And you'll also learn how to embody the fundamental values and belief systems that are REQUIRED to hold a massive container of impact in your business.

This DIY course is delivered in a hour and a half video training series complete with a 20 page slide study and a 9 page journal workbook to walk you through anchoring in the lessons of this massive breakthrough-creating program.
Every step of this study is about deprogramming and erasing the old belief systems around sales and aligning you with the more flow filled embodied and empowered energy of spiritual sales.
No more masculine force. Spiritual Selling is the way.





Things you need to know and will come to know in this program:


  1. Spiritual Sales Strategy is suitable for individuals struggling with sales and seeking to heal their relationship with it.
  2. Healers, Coaches, Creatives, Facilitators, Guides, Light-workers, Network Marketers, Course Creators, Spiritual Teachers, Writers, and even those aspiring to embody these roles are all invited and perfectly aligned with this study.
  3. This self-paced course accommodates all levels of business expertise. Whether you're curious, new, entry-level, or experienced, the more knowledge you possess, the greater your results will be. I welcome all of you.
  4. This is a deeply feminine approach to business STRATEGY. I am sharing all the true foundational strategic elements that have built what I have today.
  5. This study ensures you take action steps by holding you accountable, and eliminating the overwhelm of waiting, thanks to its simplified, step-by-step approach.
  6. "The more you thrive, the more your business thrives" holds true, and you will learn to fully embody this principle through this transformative work.

"Working with Lauren has given me the clarity to leverage what I have already created in my business and shown me exactly how to execute and up-level my launch strategies to go from $20K to $50K months!"


-Ashley Gordon


When I started my business in 2015, I remember feeling like I would have 20 conversations in my inbox at a time trying to hustle to find clients. It felt like no matter what I did and no matter how the conversations went, they would always end with "you're too expensive" and "I can't afford that" responses. I felt like I was doing something wrong. Maybe it was my offers, or maybe it was me.
I constantly studied sales conversations but was so turned off by everything I was reading and being told to do. Nothing felt in alignment.
And then I had a massive breakthrough that changed my life. I realized that I wasn't landing sales because sales was something I didn't want to ever be a part of! I didn't want to be icky or sleazy, and was terrified of experiences that felt pushy or forceful.
How on earth would I succeed at something that I thought was gross?
So I had to heal my relationship with sales. And when I came into that journey I started to abandon what I was TOLD to do to embody the strategies I teach inside SSS and that was when everything really started to change. I healed my relationship with selling, fell in love with the aligned process I share with you in this program, activated my magnetism and BOOM. Everything changed.


It's time to learn the spiritual approach to sales.


Spiritual Sales Strategy


one time payment

*this training is an excerpt from the Aligned Business Creator Program (ABC)