EP246: My Story & Steps of How I Healed Illness, Trauma, & Self: The Steps That Created the HEAL. Program

lauren of love podcast Jan 04, 2022

 We have officially stepped into the new year with strong intentions and energy of who we want to be in our lives and our relationship with ourselves. 

 And with that, it is such an honor to bring you this podcast episode today!

This episode is all in honor of the FREE Three Day series that is open called,  How to Heal Your Life"  - This is a free three day series where I show you step by step how to rewrite your reality and self heal any area of your life! 


 Listen here or listen on: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Google Play 

A lot of us have been on a path on wanting to manifest things into our physical reality. We force and push to get to these outcomes and we either get there feeling disappointed or we resist our outcome over and over again. This is where our healing journey starts. This is where we can create what we want in the physical world but also feel integrated and aligned with the high vibrations that we want to feel.


 Today, we’re diving into the understanding that healing is not about creating and obtaining that physical outcome but also rewriting our emotional programming. I’m going to tell you how I healed my life and how you can do the same (reminder that this topic is in honor of the FREE 3 day “How to Heal Your Life” series). 

First, I want to start this post today by telling you that you are worthy of all of your wants and dreams. I want to tell you about the challenges in my life that made me feel unworthy and how I changed that narrative for myself. Because YOU can do the same.

 My healing path started well before my two year experience in Sedona in 2021. Everything I went through that lead to that experience was a path that I think many souls have. It is a path of reclamation and learning how to heal ourselves and our planet. Those experiences manifest as physical ailment to waken you to what is going on and encourage inner work. And there is NO shame or judgement in this. I’m going to walk you through the process that I went through. 

 One day, I had a huge wakeup, an alert signal from deep in my soul. I started to pay attention and took inventory of where I was in my life (a tool I learned as a student of Tony Robbins). I asked, “Do I feel fulfilled? What in my life feels empty?” It’s a way to diagnose yourself and find the wounds you need to work out. I invite you to sit with your prayer for 2022 and ask yourselves these questions and find what needs to be tended to, then ask yourself to close that gap and paint the vision about how it would feel to step into a world where these feelings were gone.

  For me, I was being faced with the patterns regarding my health. I was constantly trying to change my body to reach these goals that were numbing my body. I was ignoring that and even though I wanted a positive relationship with my body, I didn’t know how to heal it. I knew that these patterns kept coming up to show me that I needed to repair my relationship with self. 

 It is through reuniting with the parts of us that are lost through inner child work, shadow work, healing the inner teenager (all covered in the HEAL. Program) that we can heal our relationship with self. Our body signals to us what we need to change. 

 My dark night with my health is what lead me to do deeper work on myself. I remember being so sick and crying in an apartment in Sedona, getting a call from my dad and just feeling so helpless in my body. I was lead to this opportunity in Sedona to see and have more. I decided to sit with Grandmother for the first time and all of these dark, heavy things started to happen. I realized how powerful my relationship could be with the universe when I was so lost, it was magical. I was then put on this path of meeting people that lead me to finding the answers to the most challenging questions in my life, mostly through plant medicine. 

 I dove into the medicine and went deep in ceremony with Grandmother and Kambo to heal myself. This journey inspired me to create HEAL. and grow this process as I helped women through each round and watched how it played out for them and their healing. 


 I didn’t just wake up one day and decide to sit with plant medicine. I got curious with a study that lead me here. I started with personal development, the elements of spirituality and earth, and then continued from there. 


 So now, I’m on the other side in integration and it feels amazing. 


 For you, just keep moving through. We have to be better at surrounding to the healing available to us in the moment. That is what this journey is about.


 You are so brave for doing the healing work. Wherever you are right now is temporary. So be grateful for it, and get excited for what is next. 


You are capable.





Doors are now officially open for the MAGIC three day FREE series, How to Heal Your Life" 
This is a FREE three day series for any woman who is ready to FINALLY heal what’s been holding her back. Whether you are trying to achieve financial goals, health goals, relationship outcomes, or if you’re simply feeling done with self sabotage, inner resistance and upper limits… It’s time to go deep beyond the surface and find out once and for all what has been holding you back from your dream desires and rewrite it ALL.
This FREE series starts on January 19th and by signing up you’ll get access to all the free trainings and get the replays and homework assignments delivered directly to your inbox.
There is NO holding back and NO hiding this year. 2022 IS the year HEALING becomes our reality.
To sign up, visit laurenoflove.com/reality. We kick off the series on JANUARY 17TH and it’s going to be amazing. I can’t wait to see you there!
Follow me on Instagram: @laurenoflove