Let's finally have a game plan for the new year that works...



Welcome to New Year, New You... A chance to make this year the best year of your life with a fresh start, a deep study, and the opportunity of a lifetime to BE, DO, and HAVE everything you've dreamed of.

This is the year of magic... 

 The year of breaking the limiting patterns once and for all.
Releasing old stories about not being good enough or capable.
Stepping fully into our power and the belief that we can create anything we dream of.
Staying consistent, clear, and dedicated to our goals without falling off course.
Opening up to our true massive potential and freedom life.



Let's finally have a game plan for the new year that works.

About New Year,

New You.

The magical step-by-step process to a new you in the new year ahead.


New Year, New You is a series of trainings designed by Lauren Eliz Love to teach you the secret principles of how to rewrite reality, achieve your goals for the new year, and become the best most empowered version of you.

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Inside New Year, New You


Do things differently.

Do you know how to set goals the RIGHT way? Often we come into the year with so many things we want to accomplish that we lack clarity on our game plan and feel overwhelmed by all our dreams that we get lost in taking action. In this intro module, you will learn the powerful method of aligned goal setting to actually create results in your year.

Break the pattern.

Stop setting the same goals for yourself only to be hit with self-sabotage. This is the year we break the pattern once and for all. With the steps inside master training one, you will learn how to no longer be someone who identifies with self-sabotage!

Get dedicated.

Falling in and out of old patterns? Learn how to completely rewrite the pattern of inconsistency and finally make this the year you stay fully committed to your path of results!

Unblock yourself.

Have you ever felt blocked, resistant, stuck, or limited? In master training three, you will learn how to open up your energetic channel to fully receive the dreams you have been calling in and no longer sit in the cycle of upper limits.

Become the wealthy woman.

If you have business goals this year or financial desires for the year, this training will teach you how to step into your wealth, stay driven on your journey and do away with a limited money mindset once and for all.

Calibrate your health.

Health challenges, self-sabotaging your wellness, and staying uncommitted to your health goals are a thing of the past. In this training, I'll teach you the step-by-step process to fully embodying your health and how to create full vitality in your life.

Fully embody your power.

Insecurity, lack of confidence, doubt in self - say goodbye sister! In this training, I will share with you the steps to fully activating and aligning with your self-confidence in a way that completely destroys the old fears and stories that have been stopping you from your greatness.

What students are saying: 



"Working with Lauren has given me the clarity to leverage what I have already created in my business and shown me exactly how to execute and up-level my launch strategies to go from $20K to $50K months!"


-Ashley Gordon

I used to be the girl who set goals and never achieved them.

Every year I would write down my intentions... a month or two would go by and before I knew it I was back in my old patterns. 

Now, I am the type of person who knows exactly what to do to reach her dreams. 

It isn't about force, disciple or push... 

It's about rewiring the inner workings of your subconscious to finally BE someone who has the things you are calling in.

This New Year New You Method is exactly the step by step process to finally rewriting the old identity, doing away with the past resistance and becoming everything you want to be.


Make this year your best year yet!


New Year, New You


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